As winter fastly approaches, it’s vital for older adults and their caretakers to take the necessary steps to avoid illness. The cold weather affects seniors in many ways and can cause sickness or worsen existing conditions. As your trusted home care agency in Kansas City, Missouri, we will share tips on how seniors can avoid getting sick during winter:
- Get vaccinated against the flu
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seniors need to get vaccinated against the flu. Doing so reduces flu illnesses that may result in hospitalization for older adults aged 65 years old and above. Seniors need to get vaccinated as they’re most at risk of developing serious complications due to the flu. - Engage in physical exercise
Along with a healthy diet, getting enough exercise is essential to maintain senior health. Exercising by doing a few stretches indoors or performing household chores with the assistance of homemaking services in Missouri is recommended to strengthen their immune system during the colder months. - Get enough rest
When a senior loved one begins to feel symptoms of a cold or flu coming on, it’s best to get ample rest. Getting enough sleep is vital to provide the body with enough energy to fight off the illness.
How can a home care agency help?
Through a provider of non-medical home care in Missouri, seniors can receive the care and support they need to maintain their health during the holiday season. We at Just Wright Home Care Agency LLC are available to meet your senior loved one’s needs at home. For more information about our services, feel free to explore our website, or give us a call.